Monday 7 May 2012

Gifts From The Universe

The mighty oak tree gifted me
A released leaf set free
Fluttering and spiraling it's way down
Caught before it finds the ground

My tiny ship tossed and turned
The ocean a raging mighty churn
And from the wind with elegant ease
Descends a dove, a promise of peace and calm seas

A single blade of trembling grass
It's helped create a drop of dew as clear as glass
And when I fold myself down and into the ground
It's a larger reflection of heaven in it I've found

An accidental find is the blueberry patch in the wooded brush
When I enter, the birds and the bees become a welcome hush
An awkward step crushes a rotted sage
A thousand hornets erupt in a rage

I growl with pain and decide to flee
And at the lakes beach what do I see
My brother can't swim and he's taken his last gasp
It's a welcome gift when I feel him safely in my grasp

So I hope your vaults are full of arts and riches
May you find gold as you toil and dig in your ditches
For me I find that better gifts are near
Like the golden tones of Hart and Hedy that I hear
Or the silver in the sky, the emerald in the grass
and the perfumed memories of each minute as it goes past

And if you find a random token
Consider this, it's to you the universe has spoken
That those gifts missed or lightly taken
can often be the ones that leave you shaken



  1. The way you put the words together here leaves me breathless, and with intense longing to see the world with your eyes.

  2. I agree with leeana...each phrase is an exquisite captured image filled with emotion..the final phrase expresses how the reader feels when reaching the end!
