Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Bag of Gravel and a Box of Brandy

I want to thank you, mother, for the lifetime of lessons given me
Take this bag of gravel and box of brandy

For driving my father away before I could talk, or even walk in my own shoes
I thank you for teaching me how to find comfort in my own solitude, like you do with your booze

For introducing me at four to the thick stick in your hand
Thanks for busting my stone to gravel, teaching me to face adversity like bagged sand

For all your children and forcing me into their caretaker at eight
Thank-you for teaching me how to protect the meek and the mild from brutality and hate

For years of drunken reminders detailing each of my imperfections
Thank-you for teaching me to question every interaction and perception, including my own reflections

For the streak of rage poured into your core and all the hateful lies and deception
Thank-you for teaching me how to smell the stink of wickedness at its moment of conception

The box I ordered may seem like a trap and a bit tight at best
So I’ll push this bag of gravel under your chest and fill each void with a bottle of brandy so you find the best in your final rest


  1. I am without words and filled with tears.

  2. I could say the same as Danni but I will choose my words with care and add that it is obvious to me that from such pain much wisdom and compassion has come and a talent for words and expression beyond measure. Those that come into our lives and cause us pain are indeed our greatest teachers if we can but find the love within ourselves to see it. The hurt and the anger never really leave us but the lessons are invaluable if you have courage enough to find them.

  3. One needs courage to say that because of painful people I am who I am today. For me there is still anger, there's also guilt, there's still that longing to be loved and that love that was given that seemed wasted. But it wasn't really, was it?
